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The House of Mewar: the core is custodianship

The House was founded upon the ‘kingship as custodianship’ principle.

The founder of the House of Mewar, Bapa Rawal, was initiated into this role by his guru, Harit Rishi, in the eighth century.

Harit Rishi laid down cardinal principles of governance: respect for mankind and service to the community.

The philosophy was revolutionary, unique, yet simple: “ We are not rulers of Mewar. We are its custodians, answerable to the people of the state.”

A philosophy that has been preached and practised by the Maharanas of Mewar, for over 1500 years. To this date.

That involves making sure resources are utilised for the benefit of society and developing a social benefit audit process. Not owning assets for personal profit. Not using power for political gain.

Because we are custodians of eternal values.

Emblem Description

The Eternal Mewar ideantity© has two brackets, which represent custodianship: Their ‘embrace’ is non-intervening, non-interfering and hold two layers of meaning: the red tikka with rice grains, a symbol of welcoming in India, and the rising sun, the first symbol of the House of Mewar)

This belief system drives all activities of the House of Mewar, whether Businesses (eg: the HRH Group of Hotels) or Charities (eg: several charitable, cultural and educational trusts, the most salient being Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation.

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